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Let´s Go Halal > Seville > Things to do > A city of palaces

A city of palaces

Plaza de Pilatos, 1. 41003 Sevilla

Rating: 4,5

(15.878 reviews)
The palatial houses of Seville ooze&nbsp,beauty and art.&nbsp,Vestiges of a rich time in which the capital of Andalusia was considered "the new Rome". You will find&nbsp,more than 25 palaces (House of Pilatos, of Pinelo, Lebrija Palace....) In most of them, Renaissance, Mudejar and Gothic styles are mixed in a harmonious and awesome way. You'll also find purely Muslim palaces (Buhaira). You'll love these palatial houses.

Info & Location

City/Province: Seville

Type of Experience: Top attractions

Address: Plaza de Pilatos, 1. 41003 Sevilla

Opening hours: November to March: 09:00h - 18:00h. April to October: 09:00h - 19:00h.

Tourist info: Palacio de LebrijaAddress: Calle Cuna, 8, 41004 Sevilla / Phone: 954 227 802 / Website: / Timetable: Monday to Sunday, 10:30h-19:30h / Price: Adults (€ 12), Children from 6 to 12 years old (€ 6), Groups over 20 persons (11€). Palacio de la Buhaira & GardensAddress: Avenida de la Buhaira 41018 Sevilla. / Timetable: 08:00h - 22:00h. / Price: Free visit.

Price: ground floor (€ 10), full house (€ 12).

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