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Let´s Go Halal > Nerja > Things to do > Exploring Axarquía

Exploring Axarquía

Rating: 4,5

(10.263 reviews)
En plena Axarquía, entre las laderas de la Sierra de Alhama, Tejeda y Almijara, hay un puñado de pueblos blancos que aún conservan su legado musulmán. Arenas, Árchez, Salares, Sedella y Canillas de Aceituno son las más destacadas. Constituyen un recorrido de 40 kilómetros salpicado de minaretes con geometrías de ladrillo y soportales, señas de identidad del estilo mudéjar. Tu corazón viajará a otros tiempos.

Info & Location

City/Province: Nerja

Type of Experience: Excursions

Further info:

What Mudejar means It comes from the arabic word "mudayyan". It's applied to the Hispano-Muslims who, after the Christian conquest, remained under the new Castilian state, conserving the Islamic religion, their language and legal status. They created their own artistic style.There are samples of this style in various cities and regions of Spain: Seville, Madrid, Castille, Aragón... The Mudejar of Aragón was declared World Heritage.
Where is Axarquía It is the easternmost region of the province of Malaga. It has a coastal area and an interior one. Nerja is 35 kilometers from Arenas, where this route begins.
Archez It's considered a Marinid jewel of the 13th century. The Marinids were the dynasty that came after the Almohads.
Minarets You will find 4 preserved in this route: Daimalos, Corumbela, Archez and Salares.

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