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Every year, between the 15 and 19 of March, Valencia city is overturned by the Fallas celebrations, a festivity that combines tradition, satire and art with fire and gunpowder as its main ingredients. For its long tradition of centuries, its cultural value and originality, the UNESCO declared Fallas an Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 20016. Seeing the fire devour the temporary monuments that took months to built is a fascinating spectacle.

Info & Location

City/Province: Valencia City

Type of Experience: Top attractions

Where: The most famous and spectacular Fallas are those of city of Valencia, but they are also celebrated in almost a hundred towns of Valencia Region.

When: The essential of the Fallas goes from March 15th to 19th, but the celebrations around them start on March 1st, with the so-called `Mascletá', firecracker barrages.

Our tip: The Fallas are an impressive sensory and cultural spectacle which not in vain has been listed by UNESCO as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity. However, you have to be sure that gunpowder, fire and thunderous noise don't scare you (or, at lest, they don't scare you too much).

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