It is
the most famous park in Seville. Formerly the private gardens of the San Telmo Palace, the land was donated by the owner, a duchess, to the city. A French landscaper designed them with the current
romantic style,
with arabesque touches -which you will perceive in the statues, fountains, ponds, tile benches ...-, integrating
its two main attractions, the Plaza de España and the Plaza de América. It is a great place for children to let off steam.
Info & Location
City/Province: Seville
Type of Experience: Top attractions
Paseo de las Delicias, s/n, 41013 Sevilla.
Opening hours: Summer: 8:00h - 24:00h. / Winter: 8:00h - 22.00h.
How to get there: Bus: 1, 3, 6, 30, 31, 34, 37, A5, A6 and C2. / Metro: Prado de San Sebastián, line L1. / Tram: Puerta de Jerez, lineT1.