Info & Location
City/Province: Seville
Type of Experience: Islamic heritage
Av. de la Constitución, s/n, 41004 Sevilla. ,It is part of the cathedral of Seville.
Opening hours: Every month except July and August:Monday: 11:00h - 15:30h / Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00h - 17:00h / Sunday: 14:30h - 18:00h.
July and August (except 17 and 25
July): Monday: 10:30h - 16:00h / Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00h - 18:00h / Sunday: 14:00h - 19:00h.
Closed: 1, 6 January and 25 December. / 5 January, 24 and 31 December, reduced time: 11:00h - 13:00h.
Our tip: Although the ascent to the tower is not done by steps, but ramps, it is quite tiring, especially in the hot summer months. The effort has its reward: exceptional views.
Price: The ticket to visit the Giralda is the same as that of the Gothic cathedral. Adults: , 10. / ,Children ,(under 14 years): 5 / ,Seniors ,(over 65 years): , 5 ,/ ,Free entrance: Monday, 16:30h - 18:00h. ,